Republican Candidate for the Michigan House State Representative 78th district


Kelly Priede is a life long resident of Berrien County, a 1988 graduate from Loyola University, Chicago, Il, with a Bachelor’s of Arts, Political Science.

Kelly Priede is married 30 years to Andre, where together they have a daughter graduating from college this spring.

A small business owner for more than 10 years of a property management company specializing in The Harbor Country Second Home Market.

Kelly Priede Is looking to become A Conservative, Exemplary Public Servant Representing The People of Southwest Michigan’s 78th district.


Redefining Education

Expanding the definition of Productivity and Progress To include Identifying Students Passions and Purpose Earlier than college, will help to create more focused and committed students. Looking beyond basic academic test scores, and expanding the definition of productivity and progress of today’s student to also include accomplishment

Vocational Experience

Fleshing out Vocational Experiences to include Teacher-Student Run / Student led and mentored Work Forces which would benefit students through: sense of accomplishment, insight into personal interests, financial income for Local School Systems, vocational paid jobs for Students, and the Community Members benefit via affordable service opportunities.

Auto Insurance

Working to Bring Michigan’s Auto Insurance Premiums from the highest in the Country, a per vehicle average of $2,394.00 a year in Michigan, in line with that of the National Norm of $1,300.00 a year per vehicle. Michigan currently is the only state in the Nation that has unlimited personal injury protection. (source: 2017)


Helping to ensure that tax payer money is used efficiently and prosperously.


Helping to ensure that our 78th district maintain welcoming & well maintained highways & byways tracking down gas tax money and being sure that those funds are applied appropriately.


Affordable / renewable energy is both green & exciting! Work to reveal newly developed and existing energy & renewable, green energy alternatives readily available to the 78th district & promote current & future monetary incentives for families looking to convert.


Protecting and promoting the 78th districts agriculture & organic agriculture industry. Participating in promoting of The Berrien & Cass County SUMMER Youth Fairs, which are great fun for locals and visitors alike.




Pro-Legal Immigration. Most everyone has an immigrant in their lineage. Looking to promote positive, legal immigration procedures.


Yard Signs
Knock on Doors
Make Phone Calls
Write Letter to the Editor
Endorse Kelly
Unsure, But Want to Support